Vaclovas Intas Stone Museum

Exhibits of the museum
Other valuables of the museum
All valuables of the museum
Abbreviation VIAM
Address Salantų g. 2, Mosėdis, LT-98271, Skuodo r. sav., Lietuva
Phone No +370 440 763 11
Type by theme gamta, geologija
Institution code 188203528
Bank account number LT 49 4010 0447 0006 0004

Information about the museum

Vaclovas Intas Museum of Rare Stones here, in Samogitia, Mosėdis Borough, was established in 1979. Already in 1984 the planting of Museum of Rare Stones Park was started in Mosėdis, and in 2000 the dendrological collection of the museum was declared to be a nature object protected by the state.
The museum collects, accumulates, researches, exhibits, restores and preserves the most interesting Lithuanian boulders most valuable for science, reveals their natural variety, nature, scientific significance, promotes ecology ideas and engages in other activity.
The establishment of the museum is a natural result of the work of doctor Vaclovas Intas who had lived in Mosėdis. Till the establishment of the museum the doctor had already gathered a collection of boulders of Glacial Period, had planted about a thousand plants of various sorts and shapes in the borough.
At present the museum is subject to the Ministry of Environment. In it more than 150 thousands of boulders of various sizes Baltic region rocks common in Lithuania are exhibited. The biggest exhibit weighs 50 tons, and the smallest – only several grams. The permanent exhibition arranged in renovated flourmill building which is 200 years old introduces geological maps, fossil animals and plants, classification of rock fragments, stones brought from various countries and presented to the museum. Here also the foreign bodies surgically removed from human organism, the collection of cross-sections of the trees growing in Lithuania are displayed. In the museum open-air exhibition there are more than 200 big boulders which are exhibited in the terrace of Bartuva valley – an area of 14 hectares. All of them rolled in to Lithuania together with the glaciers from Scandinavia during the period of early Pleistocene – late Palaeolithic.
In the chamber part museum valuables which reflect Lithuania’s geologic development and variety of erratic blocks, present information on the structure, composition and evolution of Lithuania’s land depths are exhibited, they reveal the scientific, cognitive, cultural value of boulders. In the museum stands, information terminals exhaustive information on the formation of Earth and rocks, their origin, the boulders brought by the glaciers to our land is presented. In the glass-cases original boulders and their fragments are exhibited. Here they have been placed in groups according to their origin and sorts.