History Museum of Lithuania Minor

Exhibits of the museum
Other valuables of the museum
All valuables of the museum
Abbreviation MLIM
Address Didžioji Vandens g. 2, Klaipėda, LT-91246, Klaipėdos m. sav., Lietuva
Phone No +370 464 105 23
Fax No +370 463 121 39
E-mail direktorius@mlimuziejus.lt; info@mlimuziejus.lt
Type by theme istorija
Institution code 190464738
Bank account number LT54 7180 5001 1014 2206

Information about the museum

History Museum of Lithuania Minor is located in Klaipėda, along the former Dangė river, where it flowed until the 17th century. In 18th–19th centuries the place was one of the busiest and most picturesque streets in the city – there were taverns, bakeries, breweries, shops, various workshops. The Baroque part of the museum building is one of the oldest residential buildings in Klaipėda, with its attic roofs and modest architectural details. It was built in 1773–1774 by the post director Johann Christian Witt.

The beginning of the Museum is related to the events of 1924, when locally educated Lithuanians and Germans founded the Society of the Regional Museum of Klaipėda. The 20th June of 1924 is regarded as the birthday of the Museum.

In 1988, the Executive Committee of Klaipėda decided to rename the Museum of Regional Ethnography of Klaipėda as the History Museum of Lithuania Minor. For several years a permanent exhibition was established there, showing the earliest history of the Klaipėda region and Lithuania Minor. Today visitors can acquaint themselves with a rich knowledge of archaeology, cartography, numismatics, and original iconographic material and documents.

The main goals of the History Museum of Lithuania Minor and its subdivisions are: to accumulate, protect, research, preserve and restore the historical cultural heritage of Klaipėda City and Lithuania Minor, to develop the historical self-awareness of people, to form Klaipėda identity, to present and promote the history of the city and the cultural heritage in the country and abroad.

Currently History Museum of Lithuania Minor has 5 subdivisions: Castle Museum, The Blacksmith’s Museum, Museum 39/45, Resistance and Deportation Exhibition, Klaipėda Sculpture Park.

Branches and units of the museum

  Blacksmith Museum Šaltkalvių g. 2, 2a, Klaipėda, LT-91246, Klaipėdos m. sav., Lietuva
  • Information about the branch / unit
  Castle Museum Priešpilio g. 2, Klaipėda, LT-91240, Klaipėdos m. sav., Lietuva
  • Information about the branch / unit
  Klaipėda Sculpture Park Tarp K. Donelaičio, Liepų, Trilapio ir S. Daukanto g., Klaipėda, Klaipėdos m. sav., Lietuva
  • Information about the branch / unit
  Resistance and Deportation Exhibition S. Nėries g. 4, Klaipėda, LT-92228, Klaipėdos m. sav., Lietuva
  • Information about the branch / unit