LIMIS museums public access:

  Sidabravas Region Museum

Exhibits of the museum
Other valuables of the museum
All valuables of the museum
Abbreviation SKM
Address Vaižganto g. 4, Sidabravas, Radviliškio r. sav., Lietuva
Phone No +370 610 066 81
Type by theme istorija
Institution code 188686639

Information about the museum

The Sidabravas Region Museum was founded on the initiative of Sidabravas Municipality and Radviliškis Public Library in 2002. The museum presents several exhibitions: the Sidabravas Region History Department, the Ethnographic Department, Room of Friends, and the Memorial Room of Sidabravas Resident of Honour Antanas Vaškelis (1926–2013). Sidabravas Library features a memorial room dedicated to Professor Vladas Žukas.

The exhibition panels provide information about the most significant events in the Sidabravas area, the region's notable people and long-time inhabitants. Special attention is paid to Vytautas Jakševičius-Alantas and the President of Lithuania Vladas Adamkus. In the Room of Friends, on display are photos of reunions with French and Polish representatives, friends of Sidabravas, as well as signed agreements and souvenirs. The memorial room of Antanas Vaškelis, the founder and preservation advocate of Sidabravas and honorary citizen of the region, displays his personal belongings, awards and photos. The Ethnographic Department exhibits old everyday articles of the inhabitants of Sidabravas and other objects representing the ethnographic uniqueness of this area.