LIMIS museums public access:

  Kėdainiai Region Museum

Exhibits of the museum
Other valuables of the museum
All valuables of the museum
Abbreviation Kė KM
Address Didžioji g. 19, Kėdainiai, LT-57255, Kėdainių r. sav., Lietuva
Phone No +370 347 513 30
Fax No +370 347 513 30
Type by theme istorija
Institution code 188204587
Bank account number LT 53 7300 0100 0252 2363

Information about the museum

Kėdainiai Regional Museum – one of the oldest in Lithuania – was established in 1922. The first director of the Museum was its founder, a chairman of Kėdainiai District Board Vladas Rybelis, who gave away a big collection of antiquities, collected by him (about 1000 exhibits). 

During World War II the Museum and its collections suffered great losses: the withdrawing Nazis had burst and grabbed a part of exhibits. The remaining exhibits had been piled in storehouses in different locations. A head of the Museum G. Bobelis managed to save a part of exhibits from their complete destruction and embezzlement.

The then Soviet authority used the Museum for propagation of its ideas: the Museum’s visitors used to be indoctrinated with Stalin’s and Lithuania SSR Constitutions, five-year plans and order of elections. In the Museum there were sections of the Socialist Development, History, Folk art and Archaeology.

When the Revival period started, the Museum arranged new exhibitions about the interwar independent Lithuania and the deportees. In 1991 Kėdainiai Local Lore Museum was reorganised into Kėdainiai Regional Museum and got new branches: Memorial Museum of M. Katkus in Ažytėnai, Memorial Museum of J.Paukštelis, Art gallery of Town hall and a concert hall in the Reformed Church.

At the present time, Kėdainiai Regional Museum has 5 subdivisions: the Multicultural Centre, Mausoleum of the Dukes Radvilos in Evangelical Reformers Church, the Traditional Crafts Centre in Arnetai‘ House, Vytautas Ulevičius Museum of Wooden Sculptures, and the Museum of 1863 Uprising in Paberžė, Janina Monkutė-Marks Museum-Gallery.

Branches and units of the museum

  1863 Uprising Museum in Paberžė Paberžės k., Gudžiūnų sen., LT-58276, Kėdainių r. sav., Lietuva
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  Multicultural Centre Senosios Rinkos a. 12, Kėdainiai, LT-57247, Kėdainių r. sav., Lietuva
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  Mausoleum of Dukes Radvilas at Evangelical Reformed Church Senoji g. 1, Kėdainiai, LT-57247, Kėdainių r. sav., Lietuva
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  Janina Monkutė-Marks Museum-Gallery J. Basanavičiaus g. 45, Kėdainiai, LT-57182, Kėdainių r. sav., Lietuva
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  Traditional Craft Center At Arnet’s House Radvilų g. 21, Kėdainiai, LT-57254, Kėdainių r. sav., Lietuva
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  Vytautas Ulevičius Museum of Wooden Sculptures J. Basanavičiaus g. 36, Kėdainiai, 57288, Kėdainių r. sav., Lietuva
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