Stagarinukas (Agapanthia soror)

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Museum Kaunas Tadas Ivanauskas Museum of Zoology
Fund main
Exhibit type sausas 
Field zoologija
Inventory number KZM IC 7591/1

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Main title

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Stagarinukas (Agapanthia soror) more information...

Group of fields for zoological exhibits

Type Title in Lithuanian Title  
Species Agapanthia soror More information
Title Agapanthia soror
Family Ūsuočiai Cerambycidae More information
Title Cerambycidae
Title in Lithuanian Ūsuočiai
Order Vabalai Coleoptera More information
Title Coleoptera
Title in Lithuanian Vabalai
Class Vabzdžiai Insecta More information
Title Insecta
Title in Lithuanian Vabzdžiai
Phylum Nariuotakojai Arthropoda More information
Title Arthropoda
Title in Lithuanian Nariuotakojai
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Information about the collection

Location Žambylo sr., Tarazas, Kazachstanas

Author's rights of the exhibit

Owner of author’s rights Kauno Tado Ivanausko zoologijos muziejus