At the moment the system has:

997691/1601676 digital items

811203/1632874 exhibits from 127 museums

More information

(Green numbers
indicate publicly available exhibits)
LIMIS museums public access:



The ‘Virtual Museum' project for developing and modernising the Lithuanian Integral Museum Information System (LIMIS) and introducing new electronic services.

On July 10, 2018, the Lithuanian National Museum of Art and public institution Central Project Management Agency signed an administration and financing agreement regarding the development and modernisation of the Lithuanian Integral Museum Information System (LIMIS) and introducing the new ‘Virtual Museum' electronic services, (project no. 02.3.1-CPVA-V-526-01-0004). The project is implemented under the measure 02.3.1-CPVA-V-526 ‘Digitization and Dissemination of Cultural Content' of Priority 2 ‘Promotion of the Information Society' of the European Union Funds Operational Programme for the period 2014-2020.

The aim of the project is to modernise the Lithuanian Integral Museum Information System (LIMIS), and adapt it to the contemporary needs of museums and the public, the provision of advanced electronic services, the proper visualisation of digital content about objects of cultural heritage compiled in the database, accessibility on the Internet and the strengthening of the material base for digitisation available to the participants of the Project.


More about project >>>