• Postcards painted by Jokubas Dagys (XX century 7-9 decades)

        Postcards painted by Jokubas Dagys (XX century 7-9 decades)

      Famous Lithuanian painter, sculptor, poetry Jokubas Dagys borned in Slepsciai village. In 1935 years he became member of Lithuanian painters union and participated in Lithuanian painters exhibitions. 1944 years family of Jokubas Dagys left to west.
      Jokubas Dagys works reflect the love of the homeland and his survivals. His works of art are full of poetry and folclor characters. He created more than thousand works of art such as sculptures, paintings, bas-reliefs and so on. He signatured his paintings with nickname Dagys. Creativity of this person was appreciated by canadians art critics. His works are protected Siauliai "Ausra" museum, Telsiai "Alka"museum, Lithuania art museum, Montreal Museum of Fine Arts, Royal Canadian Academy of Art, Toront, Otava, Kvebek and other museums. 1967 years was published his album in enlish “Dagys Sculpture and paintings.“
      Part of his creative heritage protected in Birzai regional museum "Sela". In this museum collections are some sculptures, pictutes, books and other exhibits. In virtual exhibition is shown posctcards which were painted by Jokubas in Dagys in 20 th centuries seventh-ninenth decades.

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