• Built and Renewed Churches of Samogitian Diocese during the Period of Bishop Motiejus Valančius

        Built and Renewed Churches of Samogitian Diocese during the Period of Bishop Motiejus Valančius

      During the period when Motiejus Valančius was a bishop (1850–1875) the Samogitian Diocese covered the greater part of the present day Lithuania, only with the exceptions of Vilnius Region, Suvalkija, Dzūkija and Catholic churches of Curland Guvernorate. In 1860 the Samogitian Diocese consisted of 306 parishes. Initially the centre of Diocese was the Church of the Holy Apostles Peter and Paul in Varniai, but by an order of the Tsarist Russian government, residency of the bishop was moved to Kaunas. In 1864, the centre of Samogitian Diocese became the Cathedral of the Holy Apostles Peter and Paul in Kaunas.
      During the Period of Bishop Motiejus Valančius, on his initiative 29 brick and 20 wooden churches were built across the Samogitian Diocese, moreover, many churches were enlarged and decorated. The brick churches built during this period have attributes of Romanesque, Neoclassicism, Neo-Renaissance, Neo-Gothic styles, and in the wooden churches dominate various forms of vernacular architecture.
      In this virtual exhibition 39 churches from the period and both residencies of the Samogitian Diocese are introduced. Pictures of the churches were taken by photographers Jonas Šimkus and Jonas Danauskas.

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