• Utena Local Lore Museum‘s archaeological treasures

        Utena Local Lore Museum‘s archaeological treasures

      When few items are buried in one place it is considered an archaeological treasure. It could be jewellery, weapons or working tools. The finding of items of the same period in one place increases their scientific value. Single item can be considered a treasure only when it‘s clear that it was hidden purposely, especially if it was found in archaeological monument of earlier period. Most of archaeological treasures found in Lithuania are offerings and not hidden because of menacing
      danger. Some sporadic treasures of expensive goods could be items hidden by the thieves. Utena Local Lore Museum preserves parts of Černaučizna and Maniuliškės treasures.

      Černaučizna treasure

      Treasure of archaeological items in Černaučizna village (Debeikiai eldership, Anykščiai district) was found in 1928. Men were taking stones for constructions from the edges of the swamp. Underneath one of the stones they found various archaeological articles which they divided among themselves. Teacher Pranas Putrimas, after finding out about this, managed to collect some of those items of Černaučizna treasure. Photos of the items were taken by photographer Finkelis from Vyžuonos town. In 1969 an inhabitant of Černaučizna village Kazys Putrimas donated to the museum some of the findings, told about the location of the finding, and its circumstances. Location lets us to state quite firmly that findings from Černaučizna are an offering. Time of an offering is about mid to second half of 13 th century. Offering was made probably after successful raid or won battle against the crusaders.

      Maniuliškės treasure

      In 1999 History Institute of Lithuania (Lietuvos istorijos institutas) conducted an expedition exploring archaeological sites and old shrines of Eastern Lithuania. All finding of the expedition were handed over to Utena Local Lore Museum by archaeologist Vykintas Vaitkevičius. In disrupted Maniuliškės ancient burial ground (Dusetos eldership, Zarasų district) by using metal detector V. Vaitkevičius found narrow-edged axe with spurs, sheathered spear end, and two fragments of sliver collar. Axe and spear end are dated 6-8 th century, collar is cast, its arc is suppressed, so it would look resemble a weave pattern shape. More collars with such arc haven’t been found in Lithuania, dating is possible by its plate which is situated by the edge of one of the fragments. Such plates are placed at the ends of silver wihte collars from 11-13 th century, no such collars have been found in the burials. This means that found collar fragments are from 11-13 th century treasure, which was buried in 6-8 th century burial ground. It could have been hidden there due to imminent danger.

      Photos by Adolfas Sinkevičius, Raimondas Garsonas.
      Prepared by Dalius Ribokas.
      Translated by Simonas Obcarskas.

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