• Vladislovas Neverovičius (Władysław Niewiarowicz)

        Vladislovas Neverovičius (Władysław Niewiarowicz)

      The exact date of birth of Vladislovas Neveravičius is unknown. In the documents of 19th century Osolinski National Fund, for which artist bequeathed his artworks and real estate, is indicated that the artist was born in 1814 in Marcynilišiai manor house (Vilnius Governorate). Neveravičius spent the last years of his life in France although the French press affirmed that the artist was born in 1815. Obituary of Vladislavas Neveravičius declares that artist died on 16th January 1891 at the age of 75, which means the artist should have been born in 1815.
      In 1830, Neveravičius joined art studies in Vilnius University. His teacher was Jonas Rustemas. Neveravičius participated in the November Uprising (1830–1831), but after the defeat, he was forced to emigrate. The artist went to Galicia, lived in Lviv for some time, subsequently he studied in Vienna Academy of Fine Arts, where his teacher was Frederick Ammerling. After graduation he trained in Rome. Since 1840, Neveravičius chose a pseudonym Jonas Tisevičius. In 1842 in Lviv he exhibited painting ‘Repentant Mary Magdalene’ (inspired by the same name J. B. Maes’ painting). After he was encouraged by the success of his painting, Neveravičius decided to paint several versions of this artwork and to print the lithography. After 1843 the artist settled in Paris, bought a villa in Montmorency. In 1849 in Paris Salon Neveravičius exhibited a painting ‘Saint Peter’. The painting was bought by the French government and handed over to Saint Peter’s Church of Cadillac commune.
      Through the years Neveravičius did not break his ties with the homeland – he visited Lithuania, went to Lviv several times, where he held an exhibition in 1854–1855. Neveravičius died on 16th January 1891 in Montmorency. All the paintings, his whole library and real estate were bequeathed for Osolinski National Fund in Lviv and dedicated to support the youth studying arts.
      Neveravičius painted Biedermeier-style portraits with oil and watercolour, was a master of portrait miniatures. Artist painted religious paintings, genre art compositions (‘Mauro from Algeria’). In 1851 Neveravičius published A. Mickevičius’s poems ‘Konrad von Wallenrode’ and ‘Gražina’ in three languages (Polish, French, English) on his own funds. It was one of the most luxurious and splendid publications of that time. The beauty of illustrations and the quality of polygraph were the same as the best publications of foreign publishing houses. The poems decorated by 100 wood engravings that were engraved by Polish and French masters according to Neveravičius’s illustrations. Seven or eight copies of the publications V. Neveravičius coloured himself.

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