The Seasons

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Museum Maironis Lithuanian Literature Museum
Fund main
Exhibit type knyga (leidinys, spaudinys) 
Field spaudiniai
Primary account number MLLM BBR GEK 664
Materials popierius 
Manufacturing technique spauda  rašymas 
Kazys Rimtas Tarabilda
Date 1967 m.
Location Los Andželas, JAV

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To Poet Laureate, / Bernardas Brazdžionis - / With Best Wishes (neperskaitomas žodis) golden / Pen for many living years may not surf.- / Sincerely Nadas Rastenis / May 29, 1967

įrašas Nadas Rastenis priešlapyje 1967-05-29 more information...

Author's rights of the exhibit

Owner of author’s rights Maironio lietuvių literatūros muziejus