• Trails of Pran Gudyn's Travel (1965-1970): Austria

        Trails of Pran Gudyn's Travel (1965-1970): Austria

      This is how the Lithuanian Museum Museum, Art Researcher, Restorer and Painter named Pranas Gudynas (1919-1979), director of the Lithuanian Art Museum, one of the founders of the Lithuanian Art Museum Restoration Workshop, later named after him in the encyclopedia Wikipedia.

      During the deep Soviet era, P. Gudyn traveled where most of his compatriots could only dream of: the Russian Soviet Socialist Republic, the Uzbek Soviet Socialist Republic, Western European countries (Netherlands, Federal Republic of Germany, German Democratic Republic, France, Italy, Vatican, Spain, Greater Britain), USA.

      LIMIS has uploaded 3,000 photographs of Pran Gudyn's travels, capturing not only the site's most famous cultural heritage monuments, historic buildings and moments of their restoration, but also the everyday life of those days (1965-1970), sometimes in their own faces.

      Isn't it interesting to see how half a century ago the most visited places and objects in Italy, France, Germany and other Western countries, reflecting the architecture of the time, the state of the state and society, etc.

      Looking at photos opens up interaction between two different worlds. A totalitarianist censorship of everything and everyone and a free democratic world where western mindset is in the air - freedom of speech, thought and movement are unrestricted. These are two mentalities, some of whose reflections are captured in P. Gudyn's travel photos.

      Emphasizing that the author of these photos is Pranas Gudynas, it is worth noting what exactly this eminent artistic representative captured, what scenes, motifs, objects attracted his attention. They are, as mentioned, numerous.
      These photos are also unique in that they allow you to get to know Prana more closely, to better identify his photography skills, and to assess how phototechnology has changed over fifty years. Until recently, it seems that they were taken with tape cameras, brought to the nearest photo studio and taken from there for printed photos to be placed in albums. Nowadays, travel photos appear instantly (with the discovery of a Wi-Fi wireless area) on the Internet, most often on a smartphone and posted on social networks such as Facebook, Instagram, etc. albums that are filling up very fast.

      P. Gudynas' travel photo archive also contains photos from Lithuania. They show how the face of our country has changed, whose places, individuals were important to the author himself. Photos depict Pran Goodin's family and his surroundings. They also feature various plein airs and exhibitions. The latter are useful in providing an insight into the early creations of the Lithuanian artistic elite, as well as their appearance in their youth.

      Pran Gudyn's travel photo archive dates back to the era of film cameras with which the 21st century is still in the making. the born generation is often unfamiliar.

      In front of you, images of Austria captured during Pran Gudyn's travels (1965-1970). Mountainous scenery, stunning nature, breathtaking architectural monuments. Everything - in this virtual exhibition.

Objects of the exhibition

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