• Churches of Kretinga Region

        Churches of Kretinga Region

      In 2013 the 760th anniversary of the first mentioning of Kretinga and the 600th anniversary of the baptism of Samogitia were commemorated.
      Christianity was brought to the area of Kretinga in 1252–1253 by German knights, priests, missionaries and Franciscan monks. It was a peaceful process at first. In 1258 people of Kretinga became parishioners of St. Nicolas church in Klaipėda. However, after the Battle of Durbė in 1260 local population rejected Christianity, thus, since the second half of 13th century it was brought again by the Teutonic Knights, this time with the help of fire and sword. The Baptism of Samogitia in 1413–1417 which concluded the process of Christianisation of Lithuania did not include Kretinga region, because it was controlled by the Order of Cross and became the part of Lithuania only after 1422.
      The first churches of Samogitian diocese nearest to Kretinga were built during 1540–1544 in Palanga and Mosėdis. Yet, in the middle of 16th century Lutheranism prevailed and paganism grew strong again, with the centres of cult at the sacred hill of Birutė in Palanga and sacred Alka hill in Salantai.
      During the turn of 16th and 17th centuries with the spread of Catholic Reformation new Catholic churches were built in Laukžemis, Palanga, Kretinga, Darbėnai, Salantai, Kartena. In 1602 Franciscan monastery was established in Kretinga. In 1636 churches of Kretinga region became part of Skuodas’ deanery, Samogitian diocese. In later years number of Catholic churches in Kretinga area rose: in 18th century new churches opened in Budriai, Grūšlaukė, Jokūbava, Kalnalis and in the first half of 20th century churches in Miloliškiai and Tūbausiai were built.
      Currently there are 12 Catholic churches in Kretinga region and one Lutheran church, operating in Kretinga since 1802. Besides, in 1866–1976 Orthodox church was also functioning in Kretinga.

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